Recognising Achievement

Recognising Achievement within St Andrew's
- Teacher Praise
- Recogition at Assemblies
- Recognition within PSHE Lessons
- Classroom/Corridor Displays
- Badges (Department/Club/Whole School)
- Departmental Awards (Pupil of the Month, Badges)
- School Website
- Twitter Account (Whole School/Departments)
- Parents’ Evenings/Reports/Tracking
- Plasma Screens
- Awards Ceremonies
- Subject Awards
- Wellbeing Ambassador Award
- Crest Awards (Go4Set, Coding, BIOGAS Generation)
- Children's University Award
- Kelvin College - Spirit Award
- Award for Musical Theatre
- Charities Award
- Passion for the Arts - Drama
- Passion for the Arts - Music
- Passion for the Arts - Art and Design
- The Golden Compass Award - Top Design and Technology Student
- The Personal Achievement Award in Design and Technology
- John Lebidis Trophy for the Most Promising Woodwind Player
- Dr John McBride Memorial Cup for Services to Music
- Services to Pastoral and Liturgical Life of the School
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Outstanding Sports Performance
- Cardinal Winning Memorial Prize for Services to Catholic Education
- St John Berchman Award
- Head Boy and Head Girl
- Accredited Awards
- Saltire Awards
- Diana Awards
- Duke of Edinburgh Awards
- Caritas Awards
- References
School Social Media Accounts
For the very latest news and information please follow us on Twitter.
Whole School | @standrewsrcsec |
Art and Design | @standrewsart |
Business and Digital Learning | @buscomstandrews |
Design and Technology | @standrewsrctech |
English | @standrewseng |
Health and Food Technology | @standrewshftech |
Mathematics | @mathsstandrews |
Modern Languages | @standrewsml |
Performing Arts | @standrewsrc_fpa |
Physical Education | @standrewsrc_pe |
Religious Education | @standrewsredept |
Science | @standrewscience |
Social Subjects | @standrewsocial |
DYW | @standrewsdyw |
STEM | @standrewsstem |
Literacy | @stliteracy |
Eco Team | @ecoteamstandre1 |
Health and Wellbeing | @standrews_hwb |
School of Sport | @andrewssos |
Football | @standrewsrcfoo1 |
Partnership Base | @partnershipbase |
Support for Learning | @standrewssuppo1 |
Bosco Room | @standrewsbosco |
Duke of Edinburgh | @standrews_dofe |
Parental Engagement | @standrews_pl |
Parent Council | @standrewsrc_pc |
School @standrewsrcsecondary
Physical Education @st_andrews_pe
School @standrewsrcsecondary
School @standrewsrcsecondary5567