Our vision is one of:
- Pupils who are capable, ethical citizens of the world, distinguished by their knowledge of Science, their engagement with the subject and their problem solving capabilities.
- Teaching practice that is recognised within the school community for its originality and rigour; a Science Staff that inform and lead professional practice.
- An Environment that challenges, enthuses and supports all to learn and excel
- To strengthen and sustain our capacity to realise this vision our Staff will actively seek to expand upon their Professional Development, ensuring that every youngster in our care is afforded the best possible Science education.
Through learning in Physics, learners develop their interest in and understanding of the world. They will engage in a wide range of investigative tasks, which allows them to develop important skills to become creative, inventive and enterprising, in a world where the skills and knowledge developed by Physics are needed across all sectors of society. Learners develop skills of scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking, along with knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Our Courses encourage resourcefulness, which leads to becoming a confident individual. Successful learners in Physics think creatively, analyse and solve problems. Through studying Physics in St Andrew’s we produce responsible citizens, through studying the impact it makes on their lives, on the environment, and on society.
Broad General Education: S1 - S3
S1 Science
In S1, a range of topics are covered including: Our DNA; This is Me; The Periodic Table; What’s the Matter; Hot Stuff; Energy & Forces
S2 Science
In S2, a range of topics are covered including: communication; relationships; Curiosity; Reflection.
S3 Physics
In S3, a range of topics are covered including: Motion and the Universe, Electricity, Electronics, Sound and Circuits.
Within BGE Science learners will develop transferable skills such as problem solving and teamwork when collaborating with others. In addition, the Science Faculty uses Making Thinking Visible thinking routines to help with the development of both academic and social skills.
Pupils will be able to:
- Work cooperatively with others
- Work independently
- Develop social skills
- Improve literacy and numeracy skills
- Develop ICT skills
- Develop skills of problem solving ·
- Explore issues such as health and wellbeing.
- Develop scientific enquiry and investigative skills
- Become scientifically literate
- Learn interesting and relevant physics content
- Use technology, equipment and materials safely in a practical scientific activity
Senior Phase
The national courses will continue to build on the skills which students have been developing throughout S1- S3.
National 4 Physics
Unit 1 Electricity and Energy
The key areas covered are generation of electricity, electrical power, electromagnetism, practical electricity and electronic circuits, gas laws and the kinetic model.
Unit 2 Dynamics and Space
The key areas covered are speed and acceleration, relationship between forces, motion & energy, satellites, cosmology.
Unit 3 Waves and Radiation
The key areas covered are wave characteristics, sound, electromagnetic spectrum, nuclear radiation.
Added Value Unit
In this Unit, learners will draw on and extend the skills they have learned from across the other Units, and demonstrate the breadth of knowledge and skills acquired, in unfamiliar contexts and/or integrated ways.
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
- demonstrating knowledge and understanding of physics by making statements, describing information and providing explanations
- applying biology knowledge to familiar situations, interpreting information and solving problems
- planning and safely carrying out experiments/practical investigations to illustrate effects
- using information handling skills by selecting, presenting and processing information
- making generalisations based on evidence/information
- drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence
- suggesting improvements to experiments/practical investigations
- communicating findings/information
National 5 Physics
Unit 1 Electricity
The key areas covered are electrical charge carriers; potential difference (voltage); Ohm’s law; practical electrical and electronic circuits; electrical power.
Unit 2 Dynamics
The key areas covered are vectors and scalars; velocity–time graphs; acceleration; Newton’s laws; energy; projectile motion.
Unit 3 Properties of Matter
The key areas covered are specific heat capacity; specific latent heat; gas laws and the kinetic model.
Unit 4 Waves
The key areas covered are wave parameters and behaviours; electromagnetic spectrum; refraction of light.
Unit 5 Radiation
The key area covered is nuclear radiation.
Unit 6 Space
The key areas covered are space exploration; cosmology.
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
- demonstrating knowledge and understanding of physics by making statements, describing information and providing explanations
- applying biology knowledge to familiar situations, interpreting information and solving problems
- planning and safely carrying out experiments/practical investigations to illustrate effects
- using information handling skills by selecting, presenting and processing information
- making generalisations based on evidence/information
- drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence
- suggesting improvements to experiments/practical investigations
- communicating findings/information
Higher Physics
Unit 1 Our Dynamic Universe
This unit provides the learner with knowledge of motion — equations and graphs, forces, energy and power, collisions, explosions, and impulse, gravitation, special relativity, the expanding Universe.
Unit 2 Electricity
This unit provides the learner with knowledge of monitoring and measuring AC, current, potential difference, power, and resistance, electrical sources and internal resistance, capacitors, semiconductors and p-n junctions.
Unit 3 Particles and Waves
This unit provides the learner with knowledge of forces on charged particles, the Standard Model ¨ nuclear reactions, inverse square law, wave-particle duality, interference, spectra, refraction of light
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
- demonstrating knowledge and understanding of physics by making statements, describing information, providing explanations and integrating knowledge
- applying human biology knowledge to new situations, analysing information and solving problems
- planning and designing experiments/practical investigations to test given hypotheses or to illustrate particular effects
- carrying out experiments/practical investigations safely and recording detailed observations and collecting data
- selecting information from a variety of sources
- presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms
- processing information (using calculations and units, where appropriate)
- making predictions and generalisations from evidence/information
- drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/justification
- evaluating experiments/practical investigations and suggesting improvements
- communicating findings/information effectively
Advanced Higher Physics
Rotational Motion and Astrophysics
In this Unit students cover the key areas of kinematic relationships, angular motion, rotational dynamics, gravitation, general relativity, stellar physics
Quanta and Waves
In this Unit students cover the key areas of introduction to quantum theory, particles from space, simple harmonic motion, waves, interference, polarisation.
In this Unit students cover the key areas of fields, circuits, electromagnetic radiation.
Units, Prefixes and Uncertainties
In this Unit students cover the key areas of units, prefixes and scientific notation, uncertainties, data analysis, evaluation and significance of experimental uncertainties
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
- extending and applying knowledge of physics to new situations, interpreting and analysing information to solve complex problems
- planning and designing physics experiments/investigations, using reference material and including risk assessments, to test a hypothesis or to illustrate particular effects
- carrying out complex experiments in physics safely, recording systematic detailed observations and collecting data
- selecting information from a variety of sources and presenting detailed information, appropriately, in a variety of forms
- processing and analysing physics data/information (using calculations, significant figures and units, where appropriate)
- making reasoned predictions from a range of evidence/information
- drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/justification
- critically evaluating experimental procedures by identifying sources of uncertainty, suggesting and implementing improvements
- drawing on knowledge and understanding of physics to make accurate statements, describe complex information, provide
- detailed explanations and integrate knowledge
- communicating physics findings/information fully and effectively
- analysing and evaluating scientific publications and media reports
Skills for Work
The national courses will continue to build on the skills which students have been developing throughout S1- S3.
National 5 Laboratory Science
The course content includes the following areas of Laboratory Science:
Careers using Laboratory Science - Scotland
This unit introduces learners to the wide range of industries and services that use scientific knowledge and laboratory skills. They learn about the variety of ways in which science and laboratory skills are used in different industries and services and about the job roles that use these skills. Learners investigate a range of career opportunities in industries and services that use laboratory science. They investigate the skills, qualifications and experience required for a job role of personal interest in the field of laboratory science. Learners prepare for employment, further education or training through producing their own curriculum vitae (CV) for a specific job role in a laboratory science setting.
Working in a Laboratory
This unit provides learners with the opportunity to learn basic laboratory skills such as handling chemicals and preparing solutions, and calculate and present results of their practical work. To maintain health and safety while working in a laboratory environment, learners follow safety and security procedures, and carry out a risk assessment. There are opportunities for learners to develop numeracy and communication skills when they record and report on their practical work.
Practical Skills
This unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop the skills most commonly used in laboratories. Health and safety is integral to the unit. Learners learn how to: work safely with potentially hazardous materials, such as microorganisms; measure radioactivity; develop competence using laboratory equipment; perform a titration, chromatography and distillation
Practical Investigation
In this unit, learners work to produce a plan, including practical procedures, to investigate a scientific topic. They devise methods that include a practical procedure to test the aim. Learners are assessed on their ability to carry out the practical procedure competently and safely. Learners produce a scientific report with their individual analysis and evaluation.
Employability Skills
The following provides a broad overview of the employability skills and attitudes developed in the course:
- generic skills and attitudes valued by employers
- understanding of the workplace and the employee's responsibilities, for example timekeeping, appearance, and customer care
- self-evaluation skills
- positive attitude to learning
- flexible approaches to solving problems
- adaptability and positive attitude to change
- confidence to set goals, reflect, and learn from experience
- specific vocational skills and knowledge
Further Information
SQA Skills for Work: Laboratory Science National 5 (SCQF level 5)
National 5 Health Sector
The course content includes the following areas of Laboratory Science:
Working in the Health Sector - Scotland
This unit introduces learners to the range of provision and the services provided by the health sector in their local area. Learners will participate in an interview for a specific job role which will help to develop knowledge and understanding of the world of work. The unit also focuses on the employability skills and attitudes identified as being those most valued by employers in the health sector. Learners will be given the opportunity to reflect on and evaluate their own employability skills and record their progress throughout the unit.
Life Science Industry and the Health Sector
This unit is designed to introduce learners to the contribution of the life sciences industry in the diagnosis and treatment of illness. Learners will investigate the safety of pharmaceutical products made by the life sciences industry and the health and safety responsibilities of employers and employees in the life sciences industry. Learners will also undertake a risk assessment in relation to production, storage or use of products made by the life sciences industry.
Improving Health and Wellbeing
This unit is designed to introduce learners to the wide range of options available in the health sector that help tackle current health and lifestyle issues. It introduces learners to the health and safety risks to workers in the health sector and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Also, through team working, learners will give advice in relation to the promotion of health.
Physiology of the Cardiovascular System
This unit will provide learners with an introduction to the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Learners will apply this knowledge to investigate the effect of a specific disorder on the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Learners will participate in a practical activity which will help to develop knowledge and skills in taking physiological measurements at different activity levels. Learners will also participate in a practical activity to demonstrate current first aid procedures to provide emergency life support.
Working in Non-Clinical Roles
This unit introduces learners to the range and diversity of careers in non-clinical roles in the health sector. Learners will undertake an investigation into the roles and responsibilities of non-clinical roles and the diversity of career opportunities available. Learners will also participate in a practical activity which will enable them to demonstrate customer care skills in a non-clinical role.
Employability Skills
The following provides a broad overview of the employability skills and attitudes developed in the course:
- Understanding of the workplace and the employee's responsibilities, for example, timekeeping, appearance, customer care etc
- Self-evaluation skills
- Positive attitude to learning
- Flexible approaches to solving problems
- Adaptability and positive attitude to change
- Confidence to set goals, reflect and learn from experience.
Further Information
Skills for Work: Health Sector National 5 (SCQF level 5)