In the Modern Languages Department, we are passionate about languages and strive to instil this passion in our young people.   We work to develop cultural knowledge as well as linguistic skills whilst bringing Spanish and French to life.

We use a wide range of authentic materials to enhance pupil learning and have been lucky to have Spanish assistants work with us over the past few years. Our aim is to give each pupil an outstanding language experience in our corridor, and we encourage learners, parents and carers to keep up to date with all things language based via our departmental twitter account.

Broad General Education: S1 - S3


4 periods of Modern Languages per week
2 x Spanish and 2 x French
In both languages, young people cover 3 topic areas:

  • S1 Spanish - All about Me, School, My Home
  • S1 French - All about Me, My home, My Town


3 periods of Modern Languages per week
2 x Spanish and 1 x French
In Spanish, we cover 3 topic areas:  My Town, Healthy Living, Going Out 
In French, we cover Healthy Living, Sports and Hobbies


3 periods of Modern Languages per week
2 x Spanish 1 x French
In Spanish we cover the Languages for Life and Work – this is an accredited SQA course allowing young people to gain a qualification in S3.  We also do a Film Study unit.
In French, we cover School and School Life.

All BGE courses are skills based and each learner works on their reading, listening, talking and writing skills in the Modern Foreign Language.

In addition to learning Spanish and French, we celebrate the cultural side of languages with European Week of Languages, Poetry week, Christmas Traditions, World Book Day/Book Week Scotland, Cinema Studies, St Andrew’s Day, and Mardi Gras.