“Nobody is born with a Maths brain, and nobody is born without one…”
We use Mathematics in all aspects of our everyday lives; whether we are counting our change, catching a train or baking a cake. Mathematics permeates industry through business, engineering and medicine and it occurs naturally throughout nature.
The Fibonacci Sequence
Add the previous two numbers to get the next one 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …., …. On many flowers, the number of petals is a Fibonacci number

Good Maths and Numeracy skills equip us with the understanding to solve problems, interpret and analyse information; allowing us to make informed decisions
Young people from S1 to S3 will be given the opportunity to develop their understanding of Mathematics and its importance in everyday life progressing through the Mathematics and Numeracy Benchmarks.
Young people are not set on ability in S1, which is a common theme throughout the BGE experience in Mathematics at St Andrew’s. Classwork is differentiated; allowing all learners to access the curriculum, whilst extension materials are on hand to further develop and challenge.
Learners in the BGE will experience Complex Instruction – an exciting and innovative teaching methodology that involves young people working together to develop their skills and understanding in the Maths classroom. Complex Instruction is based on more people being successful, because there are more ways to be successful.
Advanced Higher Mathematics
Success at Higher Maths can lead onto Advanced Higher Maths. The Advanced Higher Mathematics course develops, deepens and extends the mathematical skills necessary at this level and beyond. Throughout this course, candidates acquire and apply operational skills necessary for exploring complex mathematical ideas. They select and apply mathematical techniques and develop their understanding of the interdependencies within mathematics.
Students must pass an externally assessed examination in May. The exam consists of two papers:
- Paper 1: non-calculator – 35 marks, 1h
- Paper 2: calculator – 80 marks, 2h 30mins
Higher Mathematics
Success at National 5 Maths can lead onto Higher Maths where students develop their understanding of Geometry, Calculus and their applications.
Who knew a circle had an equation? How do air traffic controllers plan flight routes? And why are tins of food all the same size?
The Higher course consists of three distinct units:
- Expressions and Functions
- Relationships and Calculus
- Applications
Students must pass an externally assessed examination in May. The exam consists of two papers:
- Paper 1: non-calculator – 70 marks, 1h 30mins
- Paper 2: calculator – 80 marks, 1h 45mins
National 5 Mathematics
The course extends young people’s understanding of Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry. National 5 Maths is a pre-requisite for studying Higher Maths.
The National 5 Maths course consists of 3 distinct units:
- Expressions and Formulae
- Relationships
- Applications
Students must pass an externally assessed examination in May. The exam consists of two papers:
- Paper 1: non-calculator - 50 marks, 1h 15mins
- Paper 2: calculator – 60 marks, 1h 50mins
National 5 Applications of Mathematics
This course motivates and challenges young people by enabling them to think through ‘real life’ situations involving Maths whilst trying to establish a logical approach to a solution. This is a highly respected course and could open up an array of career opportunities for you.
The National 5 Applications of Maths course consists of 3 distinct units:
- Numeracy
- Geometry and Measure
- Managing Finance and Statistics
Students must pass an externally assessed examination in May. The exam consists of two papers:
- Paper 1: non-calculator - 50 marks, 1h 15mins
- Paper 2: calculator – 60 marks, 1h 50mins
National 4 Mathematics
The National 4 course consists of three internally assessed units and an Added Value assessment:
- Numeracy
- Expressions and Formulae
- Relationships
- Added Value Assessment (parts 1 + 2)
Successful completion of each unit and the Added Value assessment gains students a National 4 Maths qualification.
National 3 Mathematics (Applications)
The National 3 course consists of three internally assessed units:
- Numeracy
- Manage Money and Data
- Shape, Space and Measure
Successful completion of each assessment gains students a National 3 Applications of Maths qualification. It is possible for young people to progress onto National 4 Maths at this stage if appropriate.
Certificate in Personal Finance
The course develops the skills and knowledge needed for independent living e.g. budgeting, whilst investigating the different financial products available for managing and borrowing money.